Hot Deals
Commercial Truck Trader’s Hot Deals email campaign sends attentive consumers a list of handpicked and readily available units to their inbox each month. With Hot Deals, you can highlight specific units you want to sell to commercial vehicle buyers in your targeted region. Plus, the selected units will link back to your Dealer Gallery Page- increasing your brand awareness and yielding positive sales results.
By leveraging Hot Deals to increase your inventory exposure, you will:
Drive Traffic
Increase Your Visibility
Engage Customers
Boost Sales Performance

This product will help you stand out to customers by putting your units directly in their inbox, giving you the opportunity to meet customers where they are already active.

Get the most out of your investment by leveraging one or more of Commercial Truck Trader’s Hot Deals exposure boosting features designed to capture more attention for your dealership, and bring more buyers back to your inventory!
New Hot Deals Opportunities Include:
- Top Placement - Guarantee your units will be placed above all others within the email
- Custom Pricing - Display discounted rates, or custom tags to grab attention
- External Links - Drive buyers to your own website as opposed to your listings on Commercial Truck Trader
- Section Banner - Insert a 468x60 banner in your Hot Deals section that clicks to your website
- Footer Banner - Get additional exposure at the bottom of the email with a 300x250 banner
Ready to learn more about how you can grow your brand awareness with Hot Deals?
Complete this form to be contacted about packages and pricing.